There are many theories existing that mankind has created a phenomenon known as casting the “evil eye”. It remains unclear what exactly the power of casting an “evil eye” can bring, and how innocent people can prevent themselves from having an evil eye cast upon themselves. In this article will try to summurize what has Kabbalah to say about this issue.
According to Kabbalah, if it’s possible for an individual to prevent damage caused by the evil eye to themselves as well as others, it might be done through one of the following three methods:
· Through action – using his hands and legs
· Through speaking – by speaking slanderously about others or even to curse them.
· Through thought – this will demonstrated later on this page.
First of all it is important to understand how the curse of the evil eye in Kabbalah actually works.
In the moment when an individual utters from his mouth some form of blessing or curse, their words are caught sometimes by angel, possessing the power to transport those words up to heaven.
Kabbalah explains, If the words uttered pertain to a blessing, then this is a fortunate time, as the blessing will be honored and the fruits of the blessing will be fulfilled on earth.
In the event that a curse has been emitted, and details are carried to hell, the scandalous words or wishes will have a negative effect on those who have been singled out in the curse, be it one person, and entire family, tribe or nation. An “evil eye” can affect for good or bad.
Individuals should follow the path of the sages in never”opening their mouth to the Devil.” They should be careful about what they wish themselves and other in a negative manner. Simply because their words may be captured by an angel and return to bring bad fortune to them and to those around them.
It is important to understand that according to the writing on evil eyes in the Kabbalah, it is also possible to bring this curse upon people just through thought. The Zohar explains that when someone looks and thinks upon others in a negative and narrow minded fashion, at the very moment an evil spirit can “catch a trip” on these negative thoughts, causing pain and damage to the person who has been under scrutiny.
This is due to the fact that if, even for a moment, a person has a negative thought, then negative luck, sins and impurity will become a part of that person’s makeup.
This is the reason that sages say that the eyes are panderers of sin, because only through their eyes, can people measure the sins that they wish to partake of. If a person wishes to seek purity, then the first step to achieving this is in keeping his eyes in the right place.
How can an evil eye as mentioned in the Kabbalah actually cause damage?
All the things a world have their channel leading from heaven in which they receive the power of life. Through this same channel, people also are given all the abundance of life.
At certain times however incidents may occur that can interrupt and end even endanger this channel. For instance, a person can endanger their situation in life when they place themselves in certain forms of danger, even life threatening. According to Kabbalah, if and when this situation arises, the person’s entire life account is simultaneously being reviewed in heaven. If by a person’s actions he prevents a miracle occurring, then there is a chance that they have brought the evil eye upon themselves.
This is the very way that the evil eye can be caused by adhering to a life of abundance, bringing a series of troubles during life.
The sages explain this by saying that “no blessing appears in places where the eye cannot see”. Their reasoning was that because every thing outstanding or remarkable that an eye can see is also at risk from the actions of a negative spirit, working under the premise that people who are attracted to pastimes or items of a negative nature, are also negative them.
If the situation is so serious, is this any help Kabbalah can provide or point at?
There are certain remedies that can cure or prevent or even cancel out the influence of the evil eye, according to the Kabbalah.
However in this case actions speak louder than words, and the best way a person can protect themselves from having the evil eye cast upon themselves, is to distance themselves from situations where they will be casting a negative view point over any manner of subject. Also never to look upon another person negatively because of the way they look or how they earn their living That is why the best advice that anyone could be given is that everybody should be looked upon in a positive fashion, and not through jealous or narrow motivations. In the writings of King Solomon (Proverbs) “good eye will be blessed”.
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